Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bits N Pieces - A Disjointed Bahamian Novel - D05

(2:28 pm Nov 05, 2008)

Needless to say, Fulcrum was having none of that, he yelled out and went on the attack. No way anyone was harming his love. The man turned to face him and Fulcrum thought he might just be able to work thins so that the dead man came to an end while he was dispatching this dog.

And that is how things almost turned out. Fulcrum deeply wounded the man and then set things up so that he could pretend to swing at him while "missing" and doing the dirt to the dead man. Things were going well on that front too, his cutlass was swinging in a wonderful arc when something hit him on he back of his head and the moon went dark.

(2:37 pm Nov 05, 2008)

When Fulcrum came two his green eyed lady was looking down at him and touching his cheek.

"Are you OK? What happened to you? Did you faint?"

There was a pounding in his head and chest and lights flashed and pulsed about him. There was the sound of many voices and an overall din to match the din when the sloop was in piratical action. Fulcrum looked up to a roof above his head? Had they brought him inside? There was something stringed and heavy strapped to him with metal string stretched taught to its front and a black cable leading from it to a box on the floor nearby.

"Where am I?"

She leaned down and kissed him on the lips, "You're on the stage silly, are you alright?"

Alright? She had just kissed him and asked him if he was alright! "Yes, no, I don't know, did you bring me back from the beach?"

"Well, you were sort of passed out over at cabbage today and I got Jaro to help me get you to the car if that's what you mean?"

What strange language was this?

"Can you stand up? Do you feel good enough to finish the set?"

"Uh... I don't understand. I think I can manage to stand though."

"Good! Let me help you up and then just do your best. We may be able to get through it with Jaro singing lead instead, but your voice is better so take it if you can."

She helped him to his feet and his vision came more into focus and he registered the sea of faces for the first time. When he looked out at them as he stood, they all cheered and lit small torches in their hands and raised them overhead.

(2:51 pm Nov 05, 2008)

Some loud music that seemed almost familiar started and people looked at him expectantly? He looked back bewildered.

"Jaro, you take it and see if he gets his bearings!"

"No problem Sarah, hit it!"

The music started again.

It's a pirate that I be
And I sail upon the sea
And the fathers and the mothers
And the brothers of the damsels

What? What had they done to his song? How did they know his song? He had never let anyone hear it yet! And why was the singing so unnaturally loud? Was everyone shouting at the top of their lungs? And did they have the loud voice of a first mate?

They are all afeared of me
Cause when the damsels I do see

He liked the way they were singing it! He began to sing along...

And when the damsels they see me
There is no hope left
Their hearts are for my chest
A treasure fair reserved for me

People were shouting and singing along and moving about in some wild gyrations of a sort he had never seen and he had seen some things in some places since he had become a pirate.

(3:25 pm Nov 05, 2008)

(5:11 pm Nov 05, 2008)

(5:50 pm Nov 05, 2008)

OK, gentle reader, I tried again. Tried to avoid the time pit today but to no avail. I felt good for a while but then the whole ball of string theory unraveled. Almost like someone had put all the strings into a can of compressed gas and shot them out randomly to stick to whatever time happened to be around and cause temporal knots which would lead to knotted thoughts and writer's blocks and... don't say it... don't even think it.

"Thank you... thank you," said Sarah and then leaned in close to Fulcrum and whispered, "Are you sure you are OK? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Fulcrum looked closely into her green eyes, "I don't know, I feel strange and everything seems strange and out of place, but no, no hospitals. If I don't feel better soon, I need to go outside and breath some fresh air."

"OK, we'll do one more song and take a short break and I can take you out on the veranda.," she said and then turned to face the room, "OK, this one's called Grey Day and after this we are going to take a short break and then come back and do on more set."

A drummer sitting behind some fancy concoction of drums hits his sticks together and counted off and the music started again.

It's a grey day
It's a grey day
And the whitecaps
Are in the harbour
There's a cold wind
Blowing salty
Across the road
It chills my bones

This was one that Fulcrum did not know but it was about the sea and he listened and joined in where he could.

It's a grey day
It's a grey day
And the whitecaps
Are in the harbour
Watch the big waves
Making white foam
Crash the rocky

It's a grey day
It's a grey day
And the whitecaps
Are in the harbour
See the sea weed
Gather angry
Meet the shoreline
Tumbling sand

It's a grey day
It's a grey day
And the whitecaps
Are in the harbour
There's a cold wind
Blowing salty
Across the road
It chills my bones

It's a grey day
There's a cold wind
Blowing salty
It chills my bones

As the song ended, the people cheered and raised their torches above their heads again and clapped their hands. The musicians began to step down off of the raised platform where they had been standing to perform and Sarah came and took Fulcrum's arm, "OK, big boy, let's go outside and grab some fresh air and see if we can get you feeling better."

(6:17 pm Nov 05, 2008)

What kind of strange talk was this? And how did she become so familiar with him? They walked across the floor and out of the door onto a upstairs porch and Fulcrum felt faint. ...

(8:22 pm Nov 05, 2008)

You see that gentle reader? You walk off for a minute or two in the middle of a sentence and come back to find two hours plus gone. This is not way to get the word count up and overcome the block.

When Fulcrum and Sarah walked outside Fulcrum received what was probably the biggest shock of his relatively young life. He stepped into a world completely strange to him. Inside had been strange enough, but outside was a world that strained belief.

Transportation of some sort moving at great speed along some sort of smooth roadway. Lights everywhere in the night that, just like the ones on the walls and ceiling inside seemed to shed light without flame, Buildings across the harbour of immense height. Too much. Much too much to deal with. His brain shut itself down and the began to crumple to the ground.

Sarah called out for help from people standing nearby and grabbed his arm trying to stop him from hitting the ground hard.

(8:34 pm Nov 05, 2008)

(9:04 pm Nov 05, 2008)

No. No. No!

There is something seriously more than simple writers block going on here. There is some internal something happening that is almost actively working to get me to not write this year. I will keep fighting through and hopefully some how this, this, whatever it is will leave me for a time at least and let me get on with the writing of this story such as it is.

Fulcrum came to in a dark room with a candle burning on a small table beside the bed on which he was laying.

The candle smelled of pine. He was covered by a white sheet and the bed was softer than any he had ever rested on in his life to this point.

He heard breathing behind him and turned his head to see Sarah laying on the bed behind him. Propped up on one elbow, her cheek resting on her palm and looking at him with obvious concern on her face.

The shock almost sent him under again.

(9:16 pm Nov 05, 2008)

(10:10 pm Nov 05, 2008)

Oops, there goes almost another whole hour.

"Fuller, are you alright? What has come over you tonight?"

Who was Fuller? Why did she call him Fuller?

"I don't know? I haven't felt like myself all night? I feel totally out of place."

"It's obvious but do you know why you are behaving like this?"

"Not really. I could not begin to try and figure out what has happened to me today."

Well, that was one way to tell the truth without saying anything much. What was she doing in the bed with him?

She got up and walked into another room and he heard water begin to run. It kept on running. Was there a stream in that room?

"If you are feeling up to it, why don't I call Doctor Ted and see if he will come over and have a look at you?"

Fulcrum thought hard and fast, he did not like the idea of doctors. Limbs getting cut off during battle, screams, pain, blood. No, it was better to avoid doctors while one could.

"No, I think I just need rest and hopefully sleep. Perhaps when I wake up in the morning I will be myself."

The water stopped running and she came back into the room and walked over to the bed. She reached down and stroked his cheek, I am going to the kitchen for a little snack, do you want me to bring you a bite or something to drink? A cup of wine perhaps?"

(10:33 pm Nov 05, 2008)

(10:50 pm Nov 05, 2008)

Fulcrum thought about it for a short while, "I think I will have a cup of wine if you would be so kind."

She laughed, "Right away me dashing buccaneer. And something to eat? I am not going to be going back out there for another trip for you tonight as usual, I am too beat for that tonight. I feel really drained for some reason. I think it is from worrying about you. How about some fruit? And orange or banana?"

"A banana and wine?"

She laughed, "You're right, what about some cheese and crackers? I think I'll get me some."

She went out through a door and it closed automatically behind her.

He heard her singing something familiar through the closed door. Muffled but sweet and familiar.

Soon, she returned with a tray with two glasses of red wine and a plate with some cheese and crackers on it. She set the tray down an a small table beside the bed and handed him one of the glasses of wine. "Here you go, I got you one of the dry ones that you like."

He sat up slowly and took a hesitant sip. Mmmm. That was good. He looked at her confused again. What was going on here? Where was he? He could not begin to explain this to himself. Well, enjoy what you can while you can he thought.

(11:22 pm Nov 05, 2008)

He reached out an picked up the dull knife on the tray and cut off a hunk of cheese and put it on a thin cracker and popped the whole thing into his mouth. His stomach grumbled in some form of complaint. When had he last eaten anything? Well, the wine was good but this was even better.

"Pass me one will you?" she said from the foot of the bed where she was sitting and looking at him.

He cut a slice of the cheese for her and put it on a cracker and handed it to her.

"Thanks," she laughed.

"Why do you laugh at me?" he asked.

"Well, I wondered why you always cut yourself chunks but cut me slices," she said.

(11:29 pm Nov 05, 2008)

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