Monday, October 12, 2009

Bits N Pieces - A Disjointed Bahamian Novel - D11

(5:40 pm Tue Nov 11, 2008)

Well gentle reader, strap in for a bumpy ride. I may not even get a word down today furthering the action. Have the characters gone on strike? Is this a work to rule action? So it remains for the rest of the number to just churn.

Churn, churn, churn!

Churn baby churn!


It was a day
(It was a day)
Like any other day
(Like any other day)
That girl was mean
(Oh she was mean)
And she had come to stay
(That girl had come to stay)
If I'd of know
(You should have known)
I might have run away
(You could have run away)
That girl was fine
(Oh she was fine)
You know I might have stayed
(You should have run away)


It remains to be seen if anything interesting will develop in the rush to rip these words out of myself and exposethem to the world.

An should something interesting develop in relation to the characters or any possible new characters that may decide that they wish to poke their noses into this novel, so much the better.


Hey woman!
Get out of my life!
Stop talking,
Bout being my wife!
Aint buying!
What you got for sale!
Stop trying!
Cause you're gonna fail!

So you better stop hanging round here.
Yes you better stop hanging round here.
Can I make it any more clear!
You better stop hanging round here.


Hey baby,
Can you lend me a moment?
Can you give me some time?
And maybe a word?

Hey baby,
I've waited so long.
For one of your kisses.
Please send one along.

These days,
When I go out walking.
I hear the wind whisper,
Your name in my ear.


So, a somewhat slow start but a start none the less. And now the thing is to keep going. Plodding, running, racing, flying, rocketing, crawling, rolling, sliding. By ankle express, by roller skate, by bike, by trike, by kite, by wagon (little red), by boat, by submarine, by aeroplane, by jet pack. One if by land, two if by sea.


(6:16 pm Tue Nov 11, 2008)

Yes, and even just writing random thoughts, I still manage to find ways to waste time. To get up and wealk away and not write. And I have an idea to waste even more time kicking around in the back of my head even as we speak gentle reader. And worse yet, an idea I know I am likely to entertain and not only entertain, but likely give in to. Very likely. And then what. Less time to finish and possily less sleep.


Well, the word total is slowly creeping up. One by one, I can't seem to manage two by two for some reason. Perhaps I can figure out something along those lines for next year. I kind of doubt it though. So, up and up and soon to be a quarter of the way on to the two thousand quota nad then... BAM! Shut er down. Sleep. And if things work out. Dreams. Not often that I remember my dreams anymore and when I do I consider them special.


(6:42 pm Tue Nov 11, 2008)

Well, that time waster is done. At least now I don't haveto waste that time later. Let's hope I do't waste some time on something else later though.

I wish I could talk some about my characters tonight gentle reader, I really do. The thing is, to try and talk seriously about them will require going back and reading and trying to get some flow going and then trying to have some plot ideas. Hrd going for me with my mind the way it is these days.

Note to self: You really must learn to plot. No really, I'm not kidding. What you need to do once this November to remember is over is to spend some time trying to develop some sort of decent plot for a novel. Perhaps even more than one. And then try writing a screen play or a novel staring from a decent plot. See how that goes. A decent, detailed plot even. All the scenes laid out perhaps.


Well, now I have managed to waste time in IM chatting about condenser microphones and laptops and music and what not. Not a waste of time in fact, just in the writing reality where word cound counts for so much.


(6:59 pm Tue Nov 11, 2008)

And shall I now begin to count? One, two, three and so on? Or perhaps have Jaro dream the ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall song?

Ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall
Ninety nine bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Ninety eight bottles of beer on the wall

Ninety eight bottles of beer on the wall
Ninety eight bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Ninety seven bottles of beer on the wall

And so on. Get the picture? The say that desperate times call for desperate measures and perhaps we are in the desperate times zone of novelling right up in now.

(7:04 pm Tue Nov 11, 2008)

So, I have been meaning to write up a little essay or article about something that needs to be changed in my lovely country and perhaps I can tell you about it tonight gentle reader. Kill two birds with one stone as it were. perhaps this problem can even come into the novel later as a plot device, putting one of the character's lives in danger.

Make no mistake about it gentle reader, the issue I am concerned with is a matter of life and death at its worst.

And what is this grave issue you may ask? Meaning no double entendre of course...

Well it is this, and at first it may seem a small thing and of little consequesnce...

It is the matter of our passport renewal process here in the Bahamas. Combined with what is needed for us to travel outside of our country.

Now, there are a lot of improvements that could be made and I may touch on them later, but first I will try and shed a light on the key problem.

So, here we go...

You apply for a new passport because your old one is going to expire soon or like now because new regulations are coming in and we need a new kind of passport.

So what happens?

You fill out a form, pay a fee and they take your old passport and tell you that the new one will be ready in no less than thirty working days.

And where is the problem?

They do not hand you back your old passport to use IN CASE OF EMERGENCY in the mean time. You only passport and your precious visa are now in thier posession. And should something happen to you requiring immediate travel outside of the country for medical reasons where does that leave you?

Will another country let you in without documentation in a situation like that? If you are in an accident in an out island and need to be airlifted directly to Florida, what will be done with you?

And here is the question.

Why can't they photo copy whatever they need to from your current passport and hand it back to you for possible use until your new one is ready to be picked up? is there a need for them to have your original? Do all countries operate like this in respect to passports and renewals?

I would be interested in hearing from people in the various countries around the world on this matter.

I would be interested in hearind from my own government officials on this matter.

I want for our government to fix this procedure so as not to needlessly endanger the lives, health or even happiness our our citizens. Our government is there to protect us and to serve us and should not needlessly or neglectfully put us in any extra danger.

Am I being unreasonable in this thinking gentle reader? I also welcome improvements in this little explanation that may lead to a fix to the problem.

(7:20 pm Tue Nov 11, 2008)

(7:50 pm Tue Nov 11, 2008)

Well, that's another lost half hour. And the thing is, even though I have been sitting here most of the time, I don't know where it went. Will I lose any more before I cross the line?

Well, more time is trying to slip away right under my nose. But I will fight it. Yes. I. Will!


Ninety seven bottles of beer on the wall
Ninety seven bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Ninety six bottles of beer on the wall

Ninety six bottles of beer on the wall
Ninety six bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Ninety five bottles of beer on the wall


Yeah baby!

Hmmmm. I wonder.....


Ninety five bottles of beer on the wall
Ninety five bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Ninety four bottles of beer on the wall

Ninety four bottles of beer on the wall
Ninety four bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Ninety three bottles of beer on the wall

Ninety three bottles of beer on the wall
Ninety three bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Ninety two bottles of beer on the wall

Ninety two bottles of beer on the wall
Ninety two bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Ninety one bottles of beer on the wall

Ninety one bottles of beer on the wall
Ninety one bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Ninety bottles of beer on the wall

Ninety bottles of beer on the wall
Ninety bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Eighty nine bottles of beer on the wall


Now that is some serious padding gentle reader. I wonder if another ten verses could take me over the top for tonight... Let's see shall we?

(8:02 pm Tue Nov 11, 2008)


Eighty nine bottles of beer on the wall
Eighty nine bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Eighty eight bottles of beer on the wall

Eighty eight bottles of beer on the wall
Eighty eight bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Eighty seven bottles of beer on the wall

Eighty seven bottles of beer on the wall
Eighty seven bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Eighty six bottles of beer on the wall

Eighty six bottles of beer on the wall
Eighty six bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Eighty five bottles of beer on the wall

Eighty five bottles of beer on the wall
Eighty five bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Eighty four bottles of beer on the wall

Eighty four bottles of beer on the wall
Eighty four bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Eighty three bottles of beer on the wall

Eighty three bottles of beer on the wall
Eighty three bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Eighty two bottles of beer on the wall

Eighty two bottles of beer on the wall
Eighty two bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Eighty one bottles of beer on the wall

Eighty one bottles of beer on the wall
Eighty one bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Eighty bottles of beer on the wall

Eighty bottles of beer on the wall
Eighty bottles of beer
If one of those bottles should happen to fall
Seventy nine bottles of beer on the wall


Woot! And with that little bit of scull duggery, the nasty deed is done. Good night gentle reader. And so we have a day in which the characters hardly put in even a hint of an appearance. Or did they?

(8:08 pm Tue Nov 11, 2008)

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